Institutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness provides leadership, oversight, management, and integration of the College's institutional research, planning, and assessment activities.

The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (IE) is to provide leadership and support for institution-wide planning, assessment, evaluation, reporting, and research compliance activities in support of NCC’s mission. The Office’s efforts are directed toward identifying, analyzing, and monitoring internal and external trends and developments that influence NCC’s mission and strategic mission. We work collaboratively with college constituents to ensure that the data and analyses provided meet their needs for planning and assessing institutional effectiveness, as Northampton Community College is always striving for continuous, institution-wide improvement.


With NCC’s Mission and Goals at the forefront of all we do, IE oversees the implementation of strategic plan tactics, assessment of the level of progress, and the use of data to inform continuous institutional improvement. To help benchmark the progress of college-wide assessment, OIE engages in benchmarking of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) using various data sources (e.g., IPEDS, PIMS, ATD, VFA, CCSSE). The IE team engages in regular planning sessions to ensure the integration of assessment strategies into NCC’s long-term vision as it relates to the institution as a whole.


View NCC's Strategic Plan

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness (IE) facilitates student learning assessment and non-teaching assessment at NCC by partnering with members of the campus community to determine whether existing college services support student learning. Student learning assessment is guided by the Academic Assessment Committee. The College Operations & Support Services Assessment Committee (COSSAC) oversees non-academic assessment.


Assessment Chart - How Assessment Feeds Institutional Effectiveness at NCC


View Academic Assessment Information

College Effectiveness Council (CEC)

CEC, housed in the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, collaborates closely with the Academic Assessment and COSSAC committees. The communication of assessment results to the campus community will align us with accreditation standards to best serve our students and the community.


The College Effectiveness Council (CEC) is responsible for:

  • The oversight of all campus-wide assessment policies and procedures
  • Ensuring consistent assessment practice occurs throughout campus
  • Reviewing assessment cycles and establishing timelines for the collection and reporting of data
  • Maintaining a through line of communication of assessment results from COSSAC and Academic Assessment to Senior Leadership and IMPACT team



  • Dorothy Schramm (co-chair)
  • Scott Schaeffer (co-chair)
  • Matt Bartholomew
  • Allison Carpenter
  • Jen Richardson
  • Gina Turner
  • Marc Singer (ex-officio)
  • Academic Assessment Committee
  • College Operations and Support Services Assessment Committee (COSSAC)

College Operations and Support Services Assessment Committee (COSSAC)

COSSAC oversees and supports all non-teaching assessment conducted at NCC and is responsible for:

  • Articulating the goals, purpose, or outcomes of a functional area
  • Collecting qualitative and quantitative data to determine whether an area is meeting the goals, purpose, or outcomes
  • Utilizing the data to improve effectiveness and quality



  • Matt Bartholomew (co-chair)
  • Scott Schaeffer (co-chair)
  • Kathy Barner
  • Laura Bauer
  • Jillian Gehring
  • Karen Glose
  • Christina Salvadore
  • Sandy Sander
  • Barry Saturen
  • Sam Temples
  • Troy Tucker
  • Rachael Weidlich
  • Jen Richardson (ex-officio)


View Academic Assessment Committee

The Office of Institutional Research (IR) provides analysis of key indicators of student performance, retention, graduation, and transfer across all student demographics. IR coordinates with academic and non-academic units (including student affairs, administration, advancement) to support assessment of strategic and annual objectives.

  • Complies with required reporting – both internal and external (e.g., IPEDS, ATD, VFA, PIMS)
  • Provides course and program data for periodic reviews (success rates, retention rates, graduation rates, etc.)
  • Ensures the integrity of data used for communications, planning and institutional improvement

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness collaborates with academic, administrative, and student service offices to assist in reaching divisional/departmental goals. One way we do this is by designing and administering surveys. We administer surveys to students, faculty & staff, graduates & alumni, as well as other populations as needed.


In addition to administering in-house surveys, we also facilitate the administration of third-party surveys such as the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) and the Student Financial Wellness Survey (SFWS).


The Office of Institutional Effectiveness analyzes and disseminates survey results to all constituents of NCC. We can provide you with customized or filtered reporting depending on your data needs.



Northampton Community College (NCC) encourages and supports scholarly research and projects that contribute to increasing student success and improving the quality of instruction.  Pursuit of scholarly research often involves the use of human subjects for data collection and analysis.


NCC's IRB helps to ensure that:

  • the rights and welfare of human subjects used in research studies are protected;
  • risks have been considered and minimized;
  • the potential for benefit has been identified and maximized;
  • all human subjects only volunteer to participate in research after being provided with legally effective informed consent;
  • and any research is conducted in an ethical manner and in compliance with established standards.


The basic ethical principles that govern the IRB in assuring that the rights and welfare of subjects are protected are contained in The Belmont Report and in accordance with 45 CFR 46.


The goal of NCC's IRB is to: Provide all community members with information, guidance, forms, and related materials needed to secure IRB approval for human subject research. Review, approve, require modifications to, or deny human subject research conducted at Northampton Community College.



Dorothy L. Schramm
Executive Director, Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning
MSCHE Accreditation Liason Officer


Scott D. Schaeffer, D.C.
Director, Assessment
Chair, Institutional Review Board (IRB)


Daniel Sisco
Associate Director, Institutional Research


Sam Temples
Institutional Effectiveness Analyst
Survey Specialist

impact report
Impact Report

View Northampton Community College's Impact Report.

View Impact Report
Voluntary Framework of Accountability
Voluntary Framework of Accountability
Voluntary Framework of Accountability

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