The NCC Department of Public Safety is committed to communicating with our campus community as quickly as possible during an emergency. The Clery Act requires two types of notifications: Timely Warnings and Emergency Notifications.
Timely Warnings
Clery Timely Warning Notices are specifically related to compliance with the federal Clery Act, which requires col-leges and universities to notify students and employees whenever there is a threat that a serious crime is ongoing or may be repeated--so that campus community members can protect themselves from harm.
Types of incidents or situations that constitute Clery Timely Warning being sent include all Clery Act Crimes which represent a serious or continuing threat to the person and well-being of students and employees. Examples include but are not limited to:
- Criminal Homicide
- Hate Crimes
- Sex Offenses
- Assault (Physical or Sexual)
- Robbery
- Aggravated Assault
- Burglaries
- Person with a weapon
Emergency Notifications
Under the Clery Act, every institution is required to immediately notify the campus community upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees. An "immediate" threat as used here includes an imminent or impend-ing threat, such as:
- Active Shooter Incident
- Hurricane
- Approaching Tornado
- Gas leak
- Fire